Thursday, August 03, 2006

From a Google Response:

Date: January 11 2001 at 00:31:51 Name: Patrick Bryant Location: L.A.-Where the TV news treats a little rain like it's The Flood! How did you find TTM? Used MapQuest Comments: I used to have some Circle 4 Ranch letterhead stationery that I found hidden in an old cabinet at KTVY, years ago. Don't know where it is anymore :P As many of us know, those kids who appeared on the Foreman Scotty Show near the time of their birthday, got to sit on Woody the wooden horse. Woody was big enough to hold 3-or-4 six-year-olds, and if you pulled on his reins, his head could swivel up and down. Someone once showed me that if you slowly tilted Woody's head up, it would squeak the first few notes of "Moonlight Bay". About the time Channel 4 changed its call letters to KFOR, the new owners decided to throw out a lot of "junk". Horrified that Woody was going to be tossed into the dumpster, some employees called the Oklahoma Historical Society and asked if they would like to have him. Far as I know, they've still got him. Comment: The beautiful new Oklahoma Historical Center does have Woody for all to see that go there. Sincerest appologies all-have been in process of relocating for the last month- thanks to everyone who has helped in this endeavor. L.P.

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